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A Child's Bright Dream Of Love (Choir additions)
Child's Bright Dream Of Love
© Penny Towers Wilber

This is the story of a Christmas morning love
This is the story of a child?s bright dream of sharing
A little boy of eight
Walked through his neighbors' gate
Their house was very small and they were poor but caring
He chose a tree
Then made it be
A child's bright dream of love

He pulled (his) decorations out
and hung them all about
and underneath he placed the pie just baked that morning
Then bells and popcorn strings and lots of shining things
To cheer the children on this cold white day of longing
Then in their eyes
Such sweet surprise
A child's bright dream of love

A child's bright dream of love
Short Song Description:
A story about a child who goes into his poor neighbors yard and decorates a tree. He leaves a freshly baked pie and presents beneath it in an act of caring and sharing to cheer them up.
Story Behind the Song:
A song about sharing,giving and love...
Lyric Credits: Penny Towers Wilber
Music Credits: Penny Towers Wilber
Producer Credits: Dennis Wilber and Alon
Performance Credits: Lar Duggan, Penny Towers Wilber and Alon
Song Length: 3:14
Primary Genre: Unique-Holiday
Secondary Genre: Pop-Easy Listening
Lead Vocal: Mixed Vocals
Language: English
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