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Lyrics |
©Towers Wilber
I'm so driven it's driving me crazy
Wish I were low key, laid back or just lazy
I'm so driven it's driving me crazy
Pushing Pushing Pushing
all the time
I want to take it easy but it feels like a crime
I'm so driven want to sit back
Have some time that is mine
I'm so driven it's driving me nutty
Wish I could calm down
and so does my body
I'm so driven it's driving me nutty
Oh racing racing racing all of the day
I want to take it easy but would that be ok ?
I'm so driven want to sit back
Relax and just play
I'm so driven it's driving me silly
Wish I could unwind
not rush Willy Nilly
I'm so driven it's driving me silly
Rushing Rushing Rushing Got to get things all done
I want to take it easy but I've only begun
I'm so driven want to sit back
Relax and have fun
Metadata |
Song Length: 1:28
Primary Genre: Unique-General
Secondary Genre: -
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